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Dear Member

I am pleased to announce that the ranges will be open for your use albeit this being at a reduced capacity with effect from, 17th August 2020.


Bookings for Range slots can commence from Monday 10th August via the website, members area.

Your committee has worked tirelessly to get everything ready and in place for this moment and I thank them on your behalf for all their hard work.

However the re-opening does not come without some restriction, limitation and new rules, these being based on the NSRA Guidelines for Ranges Opening  and UK GOV Covid 19  rules these are included and are as follow: 

  • NWR&PC COVID 19 Risk  Assessment

  • NWR&PC Shooters Procedures For Range use during COVID19 Restrictions

  • Instructions on Range Booking Procedure & Times

  • How to book your firing point detailed instructions

  • Aide Mémoire

With the exception of the Aide Mémoire all these document form part of  the NWR&PC Range Rules and by signing in the Range Attendance Register you are agreeing to abide by them.

Therefore you must read and assimilate; failure to comply could result in the range being closed until all restrictions are lifted.


The current facilities are limited but you are shooting so be careful not to lose what you have.

Remember if you have not booked do not turn up as you will not be permitted to shoot.

My thanks for your patience over this unprecedented period. Enjoy your shooting.

Should you require any further information/advice please consult with a committee member.

Oliver Crysell

Chairman NWR&PC on behalf the committee

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